summer staff 2007-2009

  • 2007

    "promises of the king"

    week 1: 

    kristie hinkle

    laura cook

    Darryl mccallum

    britt tingen

    Andrew ketchum

    carey capek

    even cannon

    monica tuck

    Jordan ellis

    Andrew macmillan

    ballie hunter

    week 2: 

    laura cornett

    robin moreland

    adam bradshaw

    drew welty

    Amanda phillips

    dena bissell

    colin dalrymple

    erin steuber

    david gulyas

    taylor-mary smith

    Jordan albright

    Elizabeth wood

    week 3:

    todd freneaux

    sean gundry

    Bryson smith

    amy cox

    dave worst

    corey bissell

    bonnie pedder

    elyse ritter

    katie gulyas

    mary carter jacocks

    erin hickey

    spencer scheetz

    week 4:

    Barbara russell

    teryn oglesby

    Jason kastrounis

    chris meyers

    Gerry crosby

    Lindsay merritt

    paul schultz

    mickey hart

    monica tuck

    Julia peck

    kate miller

    Jessica poole

    jeff Russell

    david daniel

    week 5:

    Todd freneaux

    michelle aellen

    Jason goins

    chris nice

    dena bissell

    stacy kent

    Andrew macmillan

    erin bollinger

    andy pratt

    colleen hughes

    katie burson

    paige knowlson

    week 6:

    laura cornett

    matt piper

    Daniel fisher

    darryl mccallum

    drew welty

    sarah wright

    Jason grunin

    becky reinhard

    amelia henry

    tootie urrutia

    Samantha st. jean

    week 7: 

    Barbara Russell

    Amanda phillips

    bryan meyers

    todd freneaux

    jeff Russell

    Jason strickhouser

    Courtney tynes

    michelle vanlaningham

    steven higbie

    tara miller

    Andrew redmon

    Emily welty

    week 8: 

    karen goins

    Jason goins

    Dwayne stinson

    teryn oglesby

    tucker flythe

    keith Johnson

    Lindsay merritt

    Leanne williams

    teri johnson

    amy mccormick

    Jordan albright

    Chelsea barnes

    week 9: 

    todd freneaux

    rich wunderlin

    brian johnson

    britt tingen

    earnie dyke

    marty demerich

    Jacklyn mcdonald

    anna zitt

    vance barber

    Julia peck

    Brianna lambert

    Jessica poole

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  • 2008

    "one life"

    week 1:

    Sean Gundry

    Becky Reinhard

    Adam Bradshaw

    Jeff Russell

    Tucker FLythe

    Megan Grady

    Jason Grunin

    Jackie Desrosiers

    Michael Champion

    Katie Reinhard

    Alli Bosco

    Kathryn Disalvo

    Week 2

    Laura Cook

    Lindsey Merritt

    Todd Freneaux

    Mike Hettman

    Andrew MacMillan

    Emily Brogden

    Carlee Ford

    Nancy Mulford

    Martha Mulford

    Taylor-Mary Smith

    Doug Covert

    Week 3

    Laura Cornett

    Amanda Phillips

    Dwayne Stinson

    Chris Meyers

    Chris Nice

    Julia Peck

    Gabby Paniagua

    Chloe Eggleston

    Dena Bissell

    Paige Knowlson

    Jordan Wray

    Sara Bachouros

    Week 4

    Rich Wunderlin

    Barbara Russell

    Todd Query

    Amy Cox

    Jeff Russell

    Lindsay Piper

    CHet Markwalter

    Andrew MacMillan

    Jackie Desrosiers

    Amelia Henry

    Katie Reinhard

    Devon Shaw

    Zelly Zim

    Doug Covert

    Week 5

    Robin Gundry

    Sean GUndry

    Tim Ward

    Kevin Havens

    Drew Welty

    Tootie Urrutia

    Jason Grunin

    Brianna Crockett

    Mallory Lambert

    Kate Miller

    Elisabeth Wood

    Troy Rapp

    Week 6

    Emily Welty

    Sarah Wright

    Jeff Meyers

    Amy COx

    Mark Monroe

    Paul Schultz

    Carly Skripak

    Brianna Lambert

    Emily Bradner

    Marianna Ford

    Randy Steck

    Week 7

    Kristie McCallum

    Andrew Ketchum

    Darryl McCallum

    Earnie Dyke

    Jessica Poole

    Courtney Tynes

    Steven Higbie

    Katie Burson

    SPencer Scheetz

    Barbara Russell

    Paul SHaver

    Week 8

    Laura Cornett

    Becky Reinhard

    Brian Johnson

    Teryn Oglesby

    Tucker Flythe

    Matt Piper

    Bruce Piper

    Brandi Miller

    Amy McCormack

    Mario Rozales

    Adam wilson

    Kendra Miller

    Tracey Smith

    Jason Strickhouser

    Week 9

    Michelle VanLaningham

    Karly Hudson

    Todd Freneaux

    Britt Tingen

    Caitlin Schindler

    Rachel Sarah Blanton

    Tara Miller

    Blair Hailey

    Tim Warren

    Andrew Redmon

    Jason Goins

    Chris Lane

    Andrew Hamer

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  • 2009


    Week 1:

    Robin Gundry

    Jason Grunin

    Todd Freneaux

    Britt Tingen

    Andrew MacMillan

    Paige Knowlson

    Chloe Eggleston

    Tara Miller

    Erin Steuber

    Lars Dunaway

    Katie Reinhard

    Jordan Wray

    Susan Hauser

    Week 2

    Laura Cook

    Emily Brogden

    Adam Bradshaw

    Mike Hettman

    Andrew MacMillan

    Andy Pratt

    Annelise Fabian

    Taylor-Mary SMith

    Chrystal Galloway

    Alli Bosco

    Taylor Hall

    Katie Hettman

    Andrew Ketchum

    Dena Bissell

    Week 3

    Laura Cornett

    Amanda Phillips

    Bryson Smith

    Amy Cox

    Keith Johnson

    Andrew MacMillan

    Katie Burson

    Jackie Desrosiers

    Blair Hailey

    Katie Griggs

    Amy Beckwith

    Matt Nickerson

    Emily FOllin

    Paul Shaver

    Matt Piper

    Week 4

    Lindsey Merritt

    Carlee Ford

    Jason Kastrounis

    Jeff RUssell

    Tara Miller

    Andy Pratt

    Laura Pendlebury

    Ben Travis

    Kiana Cunningham

    Barbara Russell

    Rich Wunderlin

    Week 5

    Kristie McCallum

    Teryn Oglesby

    Darryl McCallum

    Earnie Dyke

    Andrew Macmillan

    Julia Peck

    Christiana Kline

    Alex Rock

    AMelia Henry

    Kendra Miller

    Christina Peck

    Andrew MacMillan

    Doug Covert

    Troy Rapp

    Week 6

    Becky Reinhard

    Lindsay Piper

    Todd Freneaux

    Matt Piper

    Kelly Hill

    Steven Higbie

    Anna Zitt

    Jessica Poole

    Melissa Zitt

    Caty Barnes

    Week 7

    Emily Welty

    Dena BIssell

    Todd Query

    Brandi Miller

    Chris Nice

    Andrew MacMillan

    Andrew Redmon

    Sean Gundry

    Tim Warren

    Natalie Johnson

    Drew Welty

    Week 8

    Becky Reinhard

    Courtney Tynes

    Bryan Meyers

    Teryn Oglesby

    Paul Shaver

    Andrew MacMillan

    Jackie Desrosiers

    Alexis Samarripas

    Amy MIlls

    Danielle Hettman

    Lindsay Knizer

    Blair Hailey

    Katie Reinhard

    Dane Barber

    Lindsay Tynes

    Max Schindler

    Week 9

    Todd Freneaux

    Barbara Russell

    Summer TIsone

    Tim Ward

    Chris Lane

    Matt Piper

    Bruce Piper

    Caitlin Schindler

    Kelly Murray

    Karin Carneal

    Christopher steppe

    Tootie Urrutia

    Michelle Freneaux

    Dave Freneaux

    Mary Demerich

    Bob Beatty

    Rachel DYke

    Mackenzie Morgan

    Clayton Wandishin

    Jason Goins

    Dorothy Freneaux

    Doug Covert

    Jose Mentes

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